========================================================================= INFO-ATARI16 Digest Fri, 27 Apr 90 Volume 90 : Issue 482 Today's Topics: Cold Hard Cache Mac Emulators on ST MT C-Shell and Laser C OS9/68K Possible to Have BACKGROUND IMAGE on Desktop like in Macs? ST Penpals list (7th posting) The last of the goodies goes ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 27 Apr 90 14:35:54 GMT From: usc!cs.utexas.edu!news-server.csri.toronto.edu!neat.cs.toronto.edu!omicron.cs.f su.edu!fsucs.cs.fsu.edu!boyd@ucsd.edu (Mickey Boyd) Subject: Cold Hard Cache Message-ID: <9004270343.AA23927@fsucs.cs.fsu.edu> In a recent issue of Current Notes, J.A. Wrotniak (sp?) reviewed a PD or shareware product named Cold Hard Cache. He reported that it is rock solid, and has nice options. I would like to get this program. Could someone please send me a copy, or direct me to an ftp site that has it (or post it to comp.binaries!!). I would be most appreciative. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------+------------------------------------- Mickey Boyd | "Nobody can be exactly like me. FSU Computer Science | Even I have trouble doing it." Technical Support Group | mail: boyd@fsucs.cs.fsu.edu | - Tallulah Bankhead ---------------------------------+------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: 27 Apr 90 16:30:11 GMT From: usc!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!math.lsa.umich.edu!hyc@ucsd.edu (Howard Chu) Subject: Mac Emulators on ST Message-ID: <11848@stag.math.lsa.umich.edu> In article <23266@eerie.acsu.Buffalo.EDU> v128ll9e@ubvmsd.cc.buffalo.edu writes: >I have a friend who needs a Mac, or at least an emulator. He needs a full >screen (does the ST have hires?), no flicker (does ST have interlace?), and >almost 100% compatibility. Colors are not a concern but memory is. How many >megs can you go up to? The standard Mac screen is 500x350 monochrome. The ST monochrome is 640x400. The ST monochrome screen is rock steady, no flickers, with a 70hz video refresh rate. The Spectre GCR is almost 100% compatible. It eats about 130K of your available RAM in support code. You can have up to 4M of RAM installed. >In short, what emulator is the best? Spectre? I have also heard rumors(?) that >there is a Mac emulator avalible for the ST that is able to read Mac disks >directly from the ST's internal drive. Spectre GCR lets you use Mac floppies directly. Spectre (no GCR) is the older version, that requires a hardware translator to use Mac disks. -- -- Howard Chu @ University of Michigan ... the glass is always greener on the side ... ------------------------------ Date: 27 Apr 90 10:03:09 GMT From: fernwood!portal!cup.portal.com!buggs@uunet.uu.net (William Edward JuneJr) Subject: MT C-Shell and Laser C Message-ID: <29367@cup.portal.com> >If anyone does know what is involved in getting Laser C working >with MT C-Shell, please send that info to me so I can put it >on our BBS. Thanks. >-- >David Beckemeyer (david@bdt.UUCP) Gee Dave, I downloaded a file from your BBS for this purpose, I think it's in the SCRIPTS directory. Ed June ------------------------------ Date: Fri,27 Apr 90 16:35:20 BST From: D.Wade%sysd.salford.ac.uk@NSFnet-Relay.AC.UK Subject: OS9/68K Message-ID: <27 Apr 90 16:35:20 A10431@UK.AC.SALF.D> I too would like to try OS9/68K but in the U.K. the cost of it is slightly more than I paid for my STE512 and Phillips PM8833 monitor ........ Whilst this is fine for commercial use there are many other things higher on my personall shopping list. I guess those who use it either work for the authors and don't pay, or use it for commercial use. Sorry no signature file but replies outside the UK may be sent to:- D.WADE@D.SALF.AC.UK - Most Places, MS2@UKACRL - Bitnet. ------------------------------ Date: 27 Apr 90 14:02:13 GMT From: sdd.hp.com!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!uakari.primate.wisc.edu!uflorida!haven!wam !dmb@ucsd.edu (David M. Baggett) Subject: Possible to Have BACKGROUND IMAGE on Desktop like in Macs? Message-ID: <1990Apr27.140213.3117@wam.umd.edu> In article <352@van-bc.UUCP> jhenders@van-bc.UUCP (John Henders) writes: > >Anyway I'd like to add my support to the comp.sys.atari.st.tech group as >if nothing else , it would allow redirecting flames to comp.sys.atari.st >which I wouldn't have to read. Sorry to be picky, but remember folks, these sorts of messages should be posted to news.groups, and optionally to comp.sys.atari.st. If you don't have the ability to post to news.groups (i.e., if you're reading this newsgroup in digest form), mail comments to me and I will forward them to news.groups. (End of sermon) Dave Baggett dmb@cscwasm.umd.edu ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 27 Apr 90 13:52:48 From: "Simon Chappell" Subject: ST Penpals list (7th posting) To *ALL* Atari ST owners worldwide! Are you interested in becoming involved in a snail mail list of ST users? I know that most of you will be like me and quite happy using the Email facilities at your site, but spare a thought for us final year students who will soon be losing all access to such facilities if the company we join has not got network links!! (Arrgghh, too horrid to consider!). So to get around this I was wondering if any of you would like to help me get a list together of interested parties who could then keep in touch and prevent themselves losing touch with the ST community at large (this would be especially easy if someone who still had net access could summarise current topics or forward news and advice!) I'm not thinking of anything major league for the entries on the list, just sort of name, address, interests and optionally a few lines about yourself. eg Simon Chappell. s61304@uk.ac.psw.pa (goes away after June) 51 Amherst Road, Penny-Come-Quick, Plymouth, Devon, PL3 4HJ. UK. C, operating systems (UNIX, VMS) & relational databases. This would be roughly what my record would read, so if you are interested compose something for yourself along the above lines (you can have 5 lines of text about your self if you want! :-) and send it to me either by Email (until June) or at the above address (anytime). So far this list has generated a very reasonable level of interest from many countries around the world (both in the USA and Europe!). This is encouraging and so I have merged the two lists into one and now the list that many of you will be receiving will be totally global. Remember: it is not too late, join now and beat the christmas rush! :-) Joining the list does not commit you to anything, you do not have to communicate with anyone if you do not want to! There is no pressure, I will not sell the list to any organisations! Regards, Simon | Simon Chappell | BSc(Hons) Computing and Informatics (final year) | Polytechnic South West (Plymouth) | | JANET S61304@uk.ac.psw.pa BITNET S61304@pa.psw.ac.uk | INTERNET S61304%uk.ac.psw.pa@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk | /* Please do not send via the uk.ac.ukc gateway, as my college has | not paid its fees and hence do not get Email from them! :-( */ ------------------------------ Date: 27 Apr 90 14:12:30 GMT From: cs.yale.edu!pekowsky-larne@CS.YALE.EDU (Larne Pekowsky) Subject: The last of the goodies goes Message-ID: <24167@cs.yale.edu> Hi again everyone. I just sold the magic sac, which means I now have nothing left. People who sent me a message and got no reply back: Sorry, but someone beat you to whatever it was you wanted. To the people I put on a 'waiting list': If you haven't heard from me since it means that I'm still waiting for confirmation. Please hold on another few days. Thanks again everyone. - Larne ------------------------------ End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V90 Issue #482 *****************************************